Saturday, October 3, 2020

Efforts To Improve Solar Technology


 Efforts To Improve Solar Technology

Many people face problems due to power crisis. Scientists are creating new things to solve this problem. Last year, researchers at an experiment in England lit a solar-powered lab just one centimeter from a small solar cell. The device had cells installed which were applied over each other. The lower part is made up of a type of silicon that is used in a normal solar panel but the upper part is perovskite, a crystal-star-cutter that especially converts electricity into light.

The solar cell changed the light to 28% of electricity during this time. This was a record of performance on the davis of the perovskite Silicon. Experts said when the small golden cell was put into a small aircraft at the National Re-Abel Nursery Laboratory (Nrl) in Lerdo.

The efficiency of silicone solar panels is 23%, compared to the theory that the efficiency of silicone is about 92%. Silicone basically uses solar energy red and infrared. Perovskite, on the other hand, can make more use of the light they receive and work in different parts of the spectrum to work. According to experts, two materials in a cell combine to convert more photons into electrons. Can do

What makes them special is that they alone can convert fewer electrons. It was used by the German factory Bosh Solar in 2016 and will be available in the perovskite and silicon based solar sales market by the end of 2017. Had started

Scientists have designed the two materials in such a way that they look like any other ordinary solar panel, in the same way they are sealed and installed in the same way. According to Joey Berry, head of the perovskite research program at the National Renewable Laboratory, there is a complete set of things that will turn it into a potential technology. But the list of technologies trying to compete with silicone is long.

An attempt was made in 2000 to bring in more flexible solar energy materials, including thin-film technologies such as cadmium toluoride and prandium calamite celandine, as well as organic solar cells. The material will be very cheap to produce and can be produced in a variety of sizes

But silicone solar panels were a fast-paced target. By mid-2000, the country's modular sales had begun and its share in the global market had begun. No alternative heart was prepared for him.

But the theory of a single layer of perovskite solar panel theory can reach 33%, while the performance of a tandem perovskite silicone device can go up to about 43%. Can produce more energy with less cost than a small footprint. In contrast, there are several stages in the production of silicone panels.

In which silicone is subjected to refining under extreme heat. perovskite, on the other hand, can be produced at low temperatures and materials such as plastics can be used in liquid form.

The company's chief technical officer, Thomas Tombs, says silicon needs expensive and precise plants and machines. Because pericardium can be flexible, semi-transparent and lightweight, it can be used anywhere. That's where heavy, rigid solar panels don't work.

They are used in two layers and each of them is used in different parts of the spectrum. It is also used in drones and electric vehicles to increase their range. This type of cell is very good with silicone layer. Are proven and are more flexible and lightweight.

"New solar technologies, such as perovskite, may be able to help meet the needs of natural fuels," said Veron Sewaram, chief technology officer at Renew Power Company. We have cheap solar power plants, so why do we need silicone to compete with coal plants?

The reason for this is that the problem with solar power plants is that if they are generating enough electricity in the grid, then the capacity of the next plants to generate additional electricity is reduced. This is because Solar farms do not generate electricity this way at night.

On the other hand, the system can generate much more electricity in the summer. This is already happening in cities with better solar energy production, such as Germany, China and California. The total cost is 1.06 per watt. The high cost is due to the installation of expensive hardware and wiring.

Cheap solar energy can also reduce the cost of other items such as seawater treatments, artificial plants that can emit carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, or electrolysis plants that can convert excess energy into hydrogen fuel.

According to a study so far, perovskite die quickly when exposed to ultraviolet light and moisture. The company's CEO says: Moved to the manufacturing process.

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